From the Mouth of my Son

We woke up at 2:20am Mountain Standard Time to catch the flight back home.   I’m sleepy but way more excited than tired.

I have a weekend FULL of sessions- super awesome, fun sessions and I had to get ready for them.

I still pinch myself on weekends like this. I do what I completely adore.  I meet the most loving families.  These families invite me into their homes and include me in on the most amazing moments in their life.  Wow.

My Son’s name is Sawyer Kyle Strebel.

Sawyer because we like it and my husband likes that Rush song.

Kyle because it was the only other decent name we agreed upon but on Geoff’s end, it reminds him of the movie Terminator.

Strebel because.  Well, because.

My daughter’s name is Charlotte Marion Strebel.

Charlotte because it’s cute and we liked the literary reference.

Marion because both of her Great-Grandmothers on Geoff’s side are named Marion.

We made a point of traveling to NY last (this?) week so Charlotte could meet one of the Great-Grandmothers she is named after.  We took a two-day train ride from Denver to New York.  We stayed with Grandma in NY, drove to Albany later in the trip and flew home.  Everything was going perfectly… too perfectly for a toddler and a pre-schooler.

And then it happened. I was coming back from the restroom heading into a jam-packed terminal and I found my three (Or “almost FOUR” as he would say) year old son standing on the chair making an announcement, “Daddies have penises and GIRLS like Mommy and Charlotte have ma-jine-ahs and THAT is why boys stand UP and girls sit DOWN!”

That is when I died.

But came back to life because it’s just a terminal of strangers, I guess it could have been worse, it could have been in front of Great-Grandma Marion.

Our trip ALMOST went off without a hitch…

And if you were there- that was me, beet red.

Happy almost weekend!
