13 Weeks!

So  here I am, third pregnancy.


I was reading my old blog earlier today trying to remember when I first felt movement and thought, “Wow, my kids are really funny.” and “I miss blogging about personal things because it’s the ultimate journal that  my kids can’t destroy by  flushing it down the toilet with handfuls of random toys that will eventually get pumped out by the septic guys.” and “I’m going to blog this pregnancy because as much as this kid will get lost in the shuffle when it’s born, maybe I can be a little fair to him or her by blogging about this child’s incubation.”

The last child usually gets ignored right?  I remember when Charlotte was born, I would put her down in a room, walk away and FORGET where I put her.  No joke. I’m going to need one of those things you put on your keys so if you lose them you clap (or something?) and the device on the keychain echoes back at you?  Know what I’m talking about?  Can I register for one of those at Babies R Us?

Oh and can I also say that I’m sure this thing is a girl?

So we should all just start calling it a “she”.   Seriously, I’m sure of it because girls are TROUBLE and I have a feeling this last one won’t let me off easy. Heck, she already surprised me with the whole pregnancy thing.  Girls are tricky like that.  It’s soooo a girl.  I put $100 on it.

But let’s move on, time is flying by.  Last pregnancy I thought time was going super fast because I had a toddler to take care of and was trying to move into a house but now that I have two kids to take care of, one of them being TOTALLY nutty, and a business, I feel like I don’t have time to think about being pregnant, much less think about how many weeks I am.  I chatted with a friend today and she asked how far along I was.

 I said EIGHT weeks.

EIGHT WEEKS!  Who says that when they are 13 weeks?


Everything is going smoothly though.  I have yet to be sick.  I’m almost over the super exhausted first trimester, the doctor is happy where everything is at especially my 100/60 blood pressure.  I told him it was only that low because Grandma was in town and I didn’t have to lug he kids to the appointment.  I do get headaches every so often… headaches that can make me cranky.  Like, I want to eat RIGHT NOW and OMG, Geoff why are you not feeding me and pull over, if I don’t eat something  NOW I’m going to EXPLODE kind of headaches.

I’m sure Geoff thinks I’m just dreamy when I get those headaches.

And I feel huge. ENORMOUS.  Watch out because my belly will knock you off your feet kind of huge if I’m not careful turning around.   I can’t fit into my normal jeans and I’m just out of the first trimester. Last pregnancy, I was squeezing myself into those jeans until I was 18 weeks.  Not so much this time. I blame Pinterest and the baking recipes.  Darn you Pinterest! Mostly the stuff with Nutella because just looking at those pictures make my thighs dimple… and mouth water.  And I may or may not have gone to the store just to get baking goods after spending an hour looking at Pinterest recipes.  Don’t judge me!

Did I tell you I already gained eight pounds?

So I decided I was going to break out my remote and take a picture of myself throughout the weeks and edit it and be all fancy so I can show you my baby bump and be like, “oooh, look how much I’ve grown”.

And ten seconds later, I was too tired and instead broke out the photo booth on my slowly dying Macbook.  (Don’t worry, I don’t have any of your images on said dying mac!)

What up grainy, underexposed, low resolution image?  (Am I getting picky?) Hey, they say the best camera is the camera in your hand!

Bump, meet word.  World, meet bump:

I feel way more huge than these images are showing you.   I think I LOVE photo booth making me look all skinny on the slowly dying Mac.  *kisses Macbook’s cheek

Love you guys!!!

Peace, love  and Pintrest Nutella recipes,

