Shopping like a Survivalist

My husband is the survival guy, you know, like stocking up on food in case the world comes to an end guy?  The other house we almost bid on had a room that could possible be turned into a bomb shelter, when would I let him build a bomb shelter at THIS house kinda guy?  The eats freeze dried food just for fun so he knows where to order the good freeze dried food in the future guy?  Yeah, he is the prepared guy… and I’m, well, not



And it’s not that I don’t want to be prepared but I can’t help but think how many sushi dinners equal one month of freeze dried STUFF in boxes.  I’m so busy thinking about what I need to get done in the NOW (or even last week) that it’s hard to direct my brain to think about a what if situation in the future.  And frankly, it seems as if my husband has it taken care of so I’ll worry about what to cook for dinner tonight and not what we might eat 5 years from now.

He thinks I could have a more prepared attitude and buys me books that I may possibly get into..

and I do try to get into the books but it’s hard.

Fast forward to today.  I woke up early to edit the last two newborn photography sessions and worked on those (Super adorable sessions and babies!) until the kids woke up.  Once they finished eating, the sun swept across the computer screen making editing impossible so I turned to cleaning the house.  Friday is my deep cleaning day. As I’m cleaning all the things I don’t normally clean throughout the week, I realize I’m hungry.  Starving even and decide it’s time to take a break for scrambled eggs (The five year old in me loves her some scrambled eggs!).  At 10am, the eggs are finished and I do what I assume most people would do, open the fridge and look for the Cholula.

P.S.  This post is not sponsored by anyone, I just seriously love Cholula.

And I could have died when I realized there was not a hot sauce bottle in sight. I finished the bottle two days ago and have not been to the store since.  I wondered how eggs would taste without that amazing hot sauce drizzled on top.  Would I still enjoy the eggs?

And I’m not the only one obsessed, my kids love hot sauce.  L-O-V-E.  Charlotte even asks for “hot hoss” on her pancakes.  And she means it, she wants hot sauce on her pancakes STAT.

Sad I would spend this morning with hot sauce-less eggs, I opened the pantry for one desperate look around to find- wait, cue the trumpets.  Are they playing in your head?   A double Costco pack of Cholula.

Really!  Friday was going to be okay.  (Don’t worry, I had my eye on him, he was not going to take my Cholula!)

And who says I don’t shop like a survivalist?  The world may possibly come to a crashing end today but we’ll be fine because the Strebels’ have “hot hoss”.

Happy Friday my loves!  More sessions to hit the blog soon so stay tuned!!!
