Taking the time to breathe. And smile. And love. And watch.

I’m just about two weeks away from being due or when the baby is REALLY allowed to show up and I think I officially started maternity leave.   I had an INSANE busy fall season and as sad as I was for things to calm down,  I’m finding more and more time to shoot my own kids and know that I really need to do it more often!

It saddens me a bit to know I was so distracted I didn’t capture EVERY MOMENT.  EVERY WAKING MOMENT.

But that what being a mom is right?  Wondering what I am doing right.  Wondering if I am doing everything wrong.   Remembering that when I was young,  I thought my parents knew EVERYTHING and now as a parent myself (Wow!!!) wanting to tell my kids, I’m still figuring this stuff out!  I’m still trying to make sense of the world.  I’m sorry.  Be patient with me because I have NO CLUE what I’m doing but my love for you is beyond anything you could possibly understand!

And as I’m home more often and away from the computer WAY more often, I’m taking my nesting out on taking pictures of my babies and not trying to get every picture to be PERFECT.

Because it’s the little moments that I want to remember like my daughter refusing to let me pick out her clothes.

And my two kids counting down the days until their Grandma arrives.

It’s these cute little boots that Santa brought and my daughter was actually AFRAID of for weeks!

Until she wasn’t anymore and rocked them with a ballerina tutu.  

It’s pulling out everything from the drawers when she thinks I’m not looking.

It’s THAT face!

It’s playing marbles and telling secrets.  
Or trying to use the potty.

(And peeing in her underwear five minutes later.)

It’s these little moments that are actually HUGE moments and it feels good to capture them!  I’m soooo thankful to be able to capture them!
How long can we get away with wearing a tutu and rain boots to the grocery store?
A bare-bootey picture is only cute for so long!
And these little glances?   They kill me!
